List of Punished

DateCharacter / UsernameInfractionPunishment
August, 22nd, 2023AarielThreats1 week block
August, 23rd, 2023Blaze (Discord)Threats1 week block
August, 23rd, 2023Yopopoi (Discord)Use of obscene/offensive language1 week block
August 27th, 2023AnimaloBottingPerm. block
August 27th, 2023SchobbeBottingPerm. block
August 29th, 2023AIgeneratedBot01Inappropriate character name1 week block + name changed
August 29th, 2023AIgeneratedBot02Inappropriate character name1 week block + name changed
August 29th, 2023AigeneratedBot03Inappropriate character name1 week block + name changed
August 29th, 2023AIgeneratedbot04Inappropriate character name1 week block + name changed
August 29th, 2023Aigeneratedbot05Inappropriate character name1 week block + name changed
September 12th, 2023ChonoBotting1 month block
September 17th, 2023CebolasBotting1 month block
September 21th, 2023VictorAvilaBotting1 month block
September 24th, 2023xChiosqueUse of obscene/offensive language1 week block
September 24th, 2023TankzinBotting1 month block
September 27th, 2023AvecUse of obscene/offensive language1 week block
October 16th, 2023SINNATEKINGWebsite bug abuse / scam1 week block
October 16th, 2023sugababiesWebsite bug abuse / scam1 week block
October 16th, 2023sugababyWebsite bug abuse / scam1 week block
October 16th, 2023sugababieWebsite bug abuse / scam1 week block
October 16th, 2023sugasugaWebsite bug abuse / scam1 week block
October 17th, 2023YusukeUse of obscene/offensive language1 week block
November 18th, 2023YopoipoiDisrespect to the staff1 week block
January 25th, 2024BoowBotting1 month block
March 14th, 2024McMaxBotting1 month block
May 3rd, 2024DemiseFarming GP in Wars3 days block
May 3rd, 2024ThorinFarming GP in Wars3 days block
May 3rd, 2024AxolotleFarming GP in Wars3 days block
May 20th, 2024AragornFarming GP in Wars3 days block